Did you know that the Constitution State is among the richest in the nation in terms of per-capita income, median income, and human development? With this in mind, it comes as no surprise that it’s also among the more progressive when it comes to cannabis and its use!
In 2012, the state legalized the use of medical marijuana. This was followed by the legalization of cannabis for recreational use starting on July 1, 2021. According to Governor Ned Lamont, Connecticut may not be the first, but the state wants to show that it can get it right.

With that said, here’s information to get you started with cannabis and CBD use in Connecticut:
- History of CBD in Connecticut
- Current CBD Laws in Connecticut
- FAQs About Buying CBD in Connecticut
- Best Hemp Farms in Connecticut
History of CBD in Connecticut
In the early 1600s, the colonies in Connecticut required farmers to cultivate hemp. But the hemp then contained uber-low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), so it didn’t have mind-altering effects.
Connecticut also entered into a Prohibition-style criminalization of cannabis, and its use, a common thread among all 50 states. By the late 1990s and into the early 2000s, fortunately, the tides were turning in favor of cannabis decriminalization across the country. Connecticut may have been fairly slow to join the bandwagon, but it was apparently in line with its desire to get it right.
In June 2011, then-Governor Dannel Malloy approved a law that decriminalized cannabis possession. Then, in 2012, the state laid the foundation for a medical marijuana program. These were considered landmark steps because of their recognition that the punishment must fit the crime and that cannabis has its therapeutic effects.
2018 wasn’t a great year for the cannabis industry, however, as three separate bills for further developments in cannabis use were proposed but were not approved. However, by the following year, things were again looking up when the Connecticut Department of Agriculture launched its pilot hemp program. This was supported by both the Governor and the General Assembly.
The COVID-19 pandemic affected the passage of more laws favorable for the cannabis industry. In March 2020, with the state government shut down, Governor Lamont’s proposed bill was stalled.
On October 2, 2020, amendments to CGS 22-61l were approved, and these changes aligned the state’s hemp law with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s federal regulatory requirements. Among its salient provisions was integrating the grower license and processor license into a single license – the producer license. The simplification of the licensing process is projected to make the state’s cannabis industry more developed in the coming years.
On June 22, 2021, Governor Lamont approved SB 1201 that legalized recreational cannabis by July 1, 2021.
With the legalization of both medical marijuana, and recreational cannabis, you have the opportunity to explore their therapeutic benefits. Just make sure that you know the legal limits, which are discussed below.
Current CBD Laws in Connecticut
Let’s first talk about hemp, which refers to cannabis plants with 0.3% or fewer THC concentrations, and, thus, have no psychoactive effects (i.e., high). Under the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp is an agricultural product that can be cultivated and processed into several products. These include CBD oils, and tinctures, edibles, and topicals.
In Connecticut, the Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) performs two essential functions concerning hemp:
- Regulates the manufacture of hemp-derived, and hemp-infused products for human consumption, and
- Issues licenses for individuals, groups, and companies that participate in these activities.
On the other hand, the Department of Agriculture (DoAG), on the other hand, issues the licenses for hemp growers and processors. The difference in their functions ensures that growers, processors, and retailers know which state department to approach for specific purposes.
Hemp can be legally grown in Connecticut, provided that you have a grower’s license from the DoAG.
This is also true for growers of marijuana intended for medical use. Keep in mind that cannabis products with more than 0.3% THC concentration fall under medical marijuana. Thus, their cultivation, production, distribution, and use are legal but subject to stringent rules and regulations.
For one thing, only licensed growers, processors, and retailers registered with the state’s medical marijuana program can engage in related activities. The licensing process itself has built-in safeguards to ensure that medical marijuana will not be misused or abused by producers, physicians, and patients, as well as caregivers.
For another thing, a prescription is a must for the purchase of marijuana-derived CBD containing more than 0.3% THC concentration. Every individual who buys marijuana-derived CBD must also be registered for a medical marijuana certificate and diagnosed with a debilitating medical condition. Only physicians and advanced practice registered nurses with Connecticut licenses can issue the prescription and other related documents.
Going back to hemp, the conversion of hemp into products and their sales are also regulated by the DCP and DoAG. The license type depends on the activity:
- A DCP-issued manufacturer’s license is a must if you’re planning on making hemp products for human internal consumption, including ingestion, absorption, and inhalation (i.e., consumables or edibles). But it isn’t required if you’re only planning on chopping or grinding hemp as a raw consumable product or if you combine a CBD or hemp extract into a food product.
- A DoAG-issued processor’s license is necessary for the utilization or conversion of hemp into non-consumable products, including animal food, building materials, and textiles.
In consumables, the duly licensed manufacturer must also comply with the provisions of the laws implemented by the Alcohol & Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau and the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
As previously mentioned, hemp-derived products can also be combined with food products without a manufacturer’s license, provided that these fall under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) category. These products include:
- Hemp seed oil
- Hemp seed protein powder
- Hulled hemp seeds
Dietary supplements containing these hemp products can also be manufactured but only with a manufacturer’s license. The license is a legal requirement regardless of where the hemp was cultivated, whether in or outside Connecticut. Compliance with state and federal laws about their manufacturer and packaging must also be ensured.
Consumables made in Connecticut can also be mixed with CBD and hemp extracts bought from outside the state. But the CBD and hemp extracts must have been acquired through legal means, and their integration into the food products must comply with state and federal food manufacturing laws.
And then there’s the matter of selling hemp, and CBD products, including consumables, at retail without a license. But it comes with a caveat – you must not have grown and processed the hemp before selling it.
If you’re planning on buying hemp, and CBD products from non-licensed retailers, however, keep in mind that these may or may not have undergone safety testing following DCP regulations. This is also true for products made outside of Connecticut, although Connecticut residents can legally buy these products outside the state.
And speaking of testing, Connecticut only conducts and validates testing procedures conducted on hemp, and related products cultivated, and manufactured in the state. These procedures are intended to test the THC concentrations and product safety of consumable products.
The bottom line: In Connecticut, you can legally buy hemp and CBD products with 0.3% or less THC concentration as over-the-counter products! There’s no need for prescriptions and covert purchases because of these products’ legal status and general acceptance.
Let’s talk about the legalization of marijuana possession next. While possession of marijuana isn’t a crime anymore, it has its limits, too.
- Adults 21 years old and above may cultivate six cannabis plants indoors starting on July 1, 2023. The six plants can be a mix of three immature, and three mature plants. But each household can only grow up to 12 cannabis plants at any given time regardless of the number of users in it. (Yes, you have to wait for a few more years before you can start boasting about your indoor cannabis garden on social media.)
- Adults can possess up to 1.5 ounces of cannabis on their person and up to 5 ounces in their glove box, car trunk, and homes. (Anything more than these amounts will be met with the appropriate fines and penalties.)
Aside from the amount, there are also restrictions on using marijuana, particularly when smoking it. Marijuana smoking isn’t allowed in non-smoking places, such as state, and municipal buildings, healthcare facilities, and restaurants. Most workplaces also prohibit smoking both cigarettes and marijuana on their premises, and state parks will ban the smoking of cannabis with a $250 fine for offenders.
Drivers and passengers in motor vehicles who use marijuana will also be apprehended. Hotels will be required to warn their guests about smoking marijuana, although management cannot ban the possession and use of marijuana’s other forms in non-public areas.
There’s no specific date for the opening of retail stores for marijuana products as of this writing. But lawmakers have targeted May 2022, and it couldn’t come any sooner for advocates of recreational marijuana.
Individuals, groups, and companies interested in getting recreational marijuana licenses must enter a lottery, the method chosen by the state for licensing purposes. Businesses with existing medical marijuana licenses may also enter the recreational market, but the licensing fees range from $1 million to $3 million.
In contrast, interested applicants who want to join the lottery will only pay between $250, and $1,000 in fees. Additional fees will be required once an applicant has been chosen. Furthermore, the number of licenses will be divided between regular applicants, and social equity applicants, the latter of which will pay discounted licensing fees.
While the State of Connecticut has legalized recreational marijuana, it allows cities and towns to make marijuana businesses in their jurisdictions. Municipalities can completely prohibit marijuana business operations or restrict their operations, such as proximity to schools, hospitals, and churches.
Other salient provisions include:
- Municipalities must limit the number of marijuana retailers in their jurisdictions – one retailer for every 250,000 residents – but only until June 30, 2024.
- Municipalities, where at least 10% of its registered voters have signed a petition, must conduct a referendum to determine whether cannabis sales will be allowed or not.
- Municipalities with marijuana retailers in business will get a 3% local tax on sales.
Several provisions prevent the use of marijuana in any form among minors, or individuals under 21 years old, unless for medical purposes. Celebrities, spokespersons, and other individuals that appeal to minors are prohibited from marijuana advertisements, and these ads cannot show cartoon characters, too. Marijuana businesses cannot also advertise in or be sponsors for events where more than 10% of the audience is expected to be under 21 years old.
What’s in it for the State of Connecticut? Aside from turning the tide of the war on drugs, the state will also receive new tax revenue from the legalization of recreational marijuana.
The tax structure is as follows:
- 3% municipal sales tax
- 6.35% state sales tax
- Tax based on the product’s THC concentration per milligram (0.625 cents for flowers; 2.75 cents for edibles; 0.9 cents for all other types)
Are you worried that the hemp and marijuana products will be out of reach with all these taxes? Well, you shouldn’t be since these products are still reasonably priced! Connecticut taxes these products 4% lower than New York State.
For July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 budget year, the forecasted new tax revenue is $26.3 million, which can balloon to $73.4 million in the 2025-2026 budget year. These numbers include the state and municipal cannabis tax and the state sales tax.
These funds will serve a number of purposes, including:
- Providing social equity applicants with access to resources, including capital
- Funding substance abuse prevention and treatment programs
- Assisting the new recreational marijuana market with their administrative startup costs
Indeed, Connecticut’s laws are among the most liberal in the nation, whether you’re a manufacturer or buyer of hemp, and marijuana products! Here, it can be easier to establish steady – and by steady, we mean safe, therapeutic, and life-enhancing – habits involving CBD products. Connecticut, after all, is “The Land of Steady Habits!”

FAQs About Buying CBD in Connecticut
1.) Where can you buy CBD products?
You can buy a wide variety of CBD consumables, including oils, tinctures, topicals, capsules, gummies, and vape liquids, from brick-and-mortar retail stores and online stores. These include smoke, head shops, health or wellness shops, yoga studios, gyms, and even gas stations. Many supermarkets, golf pro shops, and specialty and gift shops also sell CBP products in open view.
Online stores can also be reliable sources for CBD products. But you must be careful about buying without asking about their testing procedures and certificates. Ask for referrals from family and friends who have tried their products before making your purchasing decision.
If there’s a physical location, you may want to visit it first and decide whether the CBD products are safe and effective for human consumption. You can then have your subsequent orders made online and delivered to your home.
Note that delivery services must use the appropriate online ID, and age verification measures to determine age among customers.
2.) What’s the age limit for purchasing hemp, and marijuana products?
As previously mentioned, only adults 21 years old and above may use hemp and marijuana products unless under medical supervision. There are also fines and penalties for individuals, groups, and businesses that provide and sell these products to persons under 21 years old.
Examples include:
- Selling or providing cannabis to an individual under 21 years old is a Class A misdemeanor.
- Allowing an individual under 21 years old to loiter in or outside a cannabis store may be liable for a $1,000 fine on the first offense. The second offense is considered a Class B misdemeanor.
- Lying about your age or using a fake ID to buy cannabis products is a Class D misdemeanor.
Suffice it to say that there are limits to freedom, and these prohibitions against the use of cannabis among minors are among them.
3.) What are the requirements to secure a medical marijuana card?
Among other documentation, buying cannabis products including CBD oils with more than 0.3% THC concentration requires a medical marijuana card. The conditions under which the card can be issued are:
- You must be at least 18 years old.
- You must be a resident of Connecticut.
- Your prescription for medical marijuana must be issued by a Connecticut licensed physician or advanced practice registered nurse.
- You must be diagnosed with one of the qualifying medical conditions.
Connecticut is fairly unique among the medical marijuana states in that it has a broad range of qualifying medical conditions, including:
- Terminal illness as part of an end-of-life care program
- Cancer
- Chronic pain (at least six months)
- Intractable headache syndromes
- Glaucoma
- Parkinson’s disease
- Multiple sclerosis
- Epilepsy
- Crohn’s disease
- Cachexia
- Wasting syndrome
- Sickle cell disease
- Severe psoriasis, and psoriatic arthritis
- Uncontrolled intractable seizure disorder
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Ulcerative colitis
- Tourette syndrome
- Muscular dystrophy
Unlike many states, Connecticut even allows medical marijuana for post-traumatic stress disorder, a mental health issue.
There’s also an exception for minors under 18 years old who can take medical marijuana under specific conditions. The qualifying medical conditions include:
- Cerebral palsy
- Muscular dystrophy
- Osteogenesis imperfecta
- Cystic fibrosis
- Uncontrolled intractable seizure disorder
- Severe epilepsy
- Tourette syndrome (as a last resort)
- Intractable neuropathic pain (when unresponsive to typical medical treatments)
- Terminal illness as part of an end-of-life care program
Parents or legal guardians must register a minor patient under the state’s medical marijuana program. The registration process includes certification/confirmation of the palliative use of marijuana for the minor patient’s best interests, primary caregiver registration, and DCP review.

Best Hemp Farms in Connecticut
Currently, Connecticut is home to four licensed medical marijuana producers: Curaleaf, CTPharma, Theraplant, and AGL. These companies not only cultivate cannabis plants for medical purposes but also manufacture associated products.
Curaleaf Holdings, Inc.
92 Weston St suite 16, Hartford, CT 06120
(860) 246-4673
Founded as PalliaTech in 2010, Curaleaf Holdings Inc. acquired its present name in 2018. The American company, which is also listed on the Canadian stock exchange, produces and distributes cannabis products in North America. With medical marijuana dispensaries in 23 states and counting… it’s a formidable presence in the legal cannabis market. In fact, in terms of revenue, the Wakefield, Massachusetts-based company is the largest of its kind worldwide.
Curaleaf’s market leadership can be partly attributed to its aggressive acquisitions of established cannabis brands, such as Select in 2019, and BlueKudu, and Grassroots Cannabis in 2020. The company owns 23 growing farms, 30 processing sites, and 107 dispensaries across the nation including Arizona, New Jersey, and Massachusetts.
In Connecticut, its expanding operations are reflected in its move from its original Grist Mill Lane location to Weatogue, a larger space. Curaleaf also maintains a 60,000-square feet facility at Hopmeadow Street, a move that made it more receptive to the legalization of recreational marijuana in the state.
The Curaleaf product lines appeal to both medical and recreational users and newbies, occasional users, and enthusiasts due to the wide array of options. Customers can choose from more than 100 formulated products and 150 strains, which have been chosen for their excellent flavor profiles.
The administration options range from inhalation, and ingestion to topical, and the company ensures that each option comes with detailed instructions for use. The products come in the form of:
- Flowers
- Flower pods
- Vape oils
- Edibles
- Concentrates
- Pre-rolls
- Topical lotions, and face creams
- Capsules
- Tinctures
- Mints, and Lozenges
Curaleaf products are four distinct brands – the eponymous Curaleaf, Curaleaf Hemp, UKU Cannabis, Select Cannabis, and Grassroots. Curaleaf Hemp products are aimed at the general consumer market with its CBD-infused face cream, foot cream, and lotion products. UKU Cannabis products address the needs of more seasoned users looking for a more elevated experience.
Regardless of the format and brand, every Curaleaf product is made with quality, consistency, and accessibility in mind. Interested individuals can buy these products from its medical marijuana dispensaries.

280 Dividend Road, Rocky Hill, CT 06067
(860) 740-4340
In 2014, Tom Schultz and Rino Ferrarese founded CTPharma in Portland, Connecticut, with a vision of bringing high-quality and safe medical marijuana to consumers. Science and medicine have always been at the core of CTPharma’s operations, and its foundation is based on the co-founders’ experience in pharmaceuticals and plant cultivation.
Its first growing and processing facility was a 15,000-square foot space in Portland. Early on, cannabis cultivation experts were at the heart of the operations, and they developed over 15 products, including edibles, tablets, and premium-grade flowers. These products were praised for their exceptional quality and reasonable prices, which made them accessible to customers.
By 2020, CTPharma’s operations were becoming larger, and thus, it opened its state-of-the-art cultivation and production facility in Rocky Hill. The huge 216,532-square-foot facility is the largest of its kind in Connecticut and among the largest in the country, a testament to CTPharma’s vision of becoming the best in the industry.
Cannabis cultivation is an automated affair with a central computer overseeing most growth factors, including light cycles, relative humidity, and temperature. Aside from innovative cultivation practices, CTPharma is on the cutting edge of research and development of new cannabis applications. These include cannabis products to alleviate symptoms associated with chronic conditions like multiple sclerosis, AIDS, and cancer.
Customers choose from a broad array of cannabis strains categorized into three major strains – indica (Grapeden, Astredex, and Purpalex); sativa (Trillavex, Durbanex, and Lexikan);, and hybrid (Granimalex, B, andubex, and Guaiven). These are processed into several products, including:
- Summit CBD products
- Flowers
- Pre-rolls
- Live concentrates
- Concentrates
- Second cut
- Oils, and tinctures
- Vapes
- Drops
- Oral sprays
- Topicals
- Tablets
- Edibles
With its abiding commitment toward improving the quality of life of qualified medical marijuana patients, CTPharma is a welcome presence in the community!

856 Echo Lake Rd, Watertown, CT 06795
(860) 417-6481
Established in October 2014, Theraplant was the first state-licensed cannabis producer that sold its products into the Connecticut market. It takes pride in its modern cultivation practices, including controlled, clean, and hygienic growing areas operated by cannabis growing experts. Its cannabis-derived and cannabis-infused products are tested for pesticides, contaminants, and micro biologicals by independent testing labs, too.
Customers praise Theraplant for its affordable prices, too, that when combined with the high quality of its products, provide great value for the money. The wide range of products include:
- Flowers from premium cannabis cultivars are chosen for their exceptional terpene and cannabinoid profiles, flavor characteristics, and medicinal effects. The strains include several types of sativa, indica, and hybrid, as well as CBD strains. Most can be bought as pre-rolls, a convenient way of getting their therapeutic benefits.
- Ingestibles including capsules and sublingual drops with varying concentrations of THC and CBD. These are available in single doses ranging between 5mg and 200mg, so every customer has a cannabis product suitable for his/her individual needs. These are also made from a mix of MCT, and cannabis oils for more potent, faster results.
- Topicals include transdermal creams, scented lotions, and massage oils as well as medicated balms. These are formulated for alleviating the symptoms of skin and muscle conditions.
- Premium concentrates are made from premium flowers, and these are processed using CO2 or ethanol extraction for the highest possible quality. Customers are assured of the concentrates’ consistency, clarity, and efficacy in every drop.
- Vape oils are formulated for quick, targeted relief, and, thus, are among the most popular products in the Theraplant line.
Truly, if you’re looking for medical marijuana and cannabis products that will provide effective relief, then Theraplant is it!

Advanced Grow Labs
400 Frontage Rd, West Haven, CT 06516
(475) 227-0028
AGL is a major player, too, in Connecticut’s medical marijuana market, thanks to its consistent track record in the production of excellent pharmaceutical-grade products. Its 41,000-square foot facility cultivates dozens of cannabis strains and produces hundreds of products for qualified patients in its program. Every product is designed to provide each patient with the opportunity to benefit from its therapeutic effects.
Of its products, the flowers are bestsellers because of their potent strength and superior purity. The sativa strains have 15-20% THC levels, while the indica strains have higher THC levels of about 30%. The hybrid strains, or genetic crosses between sativa and indica plants, have 15-30% THC concentration.
These strains are also available in convenient pre-rolls, which are wrapped in organic hemp papers. Every pack has four pre-rolls, so you don’t run out of pre-rolls too soon.
Vape cartridges are also available, and these are best paired with pure oil extracts made from indica, sativa, and hybrid strains. You can also buy the vape cartridges in CBD/THC blends. These are available in 225 mg to 325 mg cartridges, as well as in loaded mini-vapes.
For more discrete uses, go for disposable vape pens. These are available in 70 mg to 250 mg sizes and available in sativa, indica, and hybrid strains.
Other AGL products that will satisfy your cannabis needs are:
- Edible goodies that will fill your stomach while you feed your soul with relaxation. These include cookies, brownies, and granola with as much as 20 mg of active THC from indica strains.
- Organic honey blended with pure cannabis oil combines the sweetness of golden syrup with the therapeutic effects of natural medicine. Each jar contains 200 mg of active cannabinoids, and the honey itself is available in sativa, indica, and CBD/THC 1:1 versions.
- Concentrates have high THC content from 40% to 90%, and these are available in hybrid, indica, and sativa strains. Users praise them for their smooth consistency, crystalline appearance, and superior potency.
- Sublinguals include sprays, and slips, which are suitable for accurate dosage, and fast relief. Their active cannabinoid content ranges from 20 mg to 100 mg, and these are available in sativa, indica, CBD/THC 1:5, and 1:1 versions.
Check out the oral solutions, capsules, medicated lotions, and bath bombs, too.

New England Hemp Farm
136 Main St, Westport, CT 06880
(203) 451-5292
Founded in 2019 by Keith Bunovsky and Brian Edmonds, New England Hemp Farm is founded on their expertise in cannabis cultivation. The superior cannabis plants grown in its facility are processed into high-quality hemp products suitable for the recreational market. These contain less than 0.3% THC content and, thus, can be bought without a doctor’s prescription.
A third-party lab has also tested these products to ensure their purity and safety for human consumption. The wide range includes:
- Tinctures, which contain amino acids as well as omega 3,6, and 9. These are available in varying strengths from 250 mg to 1,000mg, natural, and peppermint flavors.
- Gummies and capsules, as well as coffee for discrete yet effective relief and relaxation.
- Topicals include relief rubs, sanitizers, and roll-ons that are easy to use yet provide immediate effect.
- Flowers and pre-rolls can be bought along with hemp paper, a convenient way of getting CBD benefits.
- Pet products are available as tinctures and treats. Tinctures are available in 250 mg and 500 mg concentrations, while pet treats are sold in 5 mg per dose servings.
- Bath and beauty products like facial cleanser, body toning lotion, and moisturizing body butter are sold in easy-to-use containers.
The company plans to move into The Barn, a facility that will become its retail store and headquarters.

Hemp House Farms
35 Diana Ct, Cheshire, CT 06410
(203) 250-3822
Hemp House Farms has a 16-acre greenhouse where its seed-to-sale operations are based. Here, premium hemp plants are cultivated within a controlled environment, and with exceptional quality in mind. Weekly harvests are conducted to ensure that the craft hemp flowers are of the freshest, highest quality possible.
Real value for customers is a company motto, and, in line thereof, it strives to provide customers with high-quality products at reasonable prices. Hemp House Farms also acknowledges the value of giving back to the community, and, thus, it donates 10% of its profits to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).
Every non-GMO hemp plant is also cultivated using organic methods, meaning no fungicides, pesticides, and artificial fertilizers. Only the sun’s nourishing rays, organic compost, and microbiology are used in their cultivation. Several strains are also cultivated the whole year-round to ensure consistent supply and a wide variety to choose from.
The products include:
- Hemp CBD oils
- CBD topicals
- Craft hemp flowers
- Craft hemp pre-rolls
- Cannabis CBD kief
- CBD pet oils
Every product comes with its certificate of analysis (COA), proof of its safety, purity, and potency.

Addison Farm, LLC
37 Wells Rd, Granby, CT 06035
(860) 578-5555
Addison Farm LLC was among the first growers to receive a state cannabis license in 2019. It’s a family-run business that competes with the big guys, so to speak, by offering craft products that go above and beyond customer expectations.
With more than 750 cannabis plants on its farm, the company strives to maintain a consistent supply of cannabis products to the recreational market. Among the most notable cannabis strains on its farm are Cherry Blossom, Gatsby, and Stormy Daniels, which are known for their fascinating flavor profiles. These products contain less than 0.3% THC concentration and, thus, are available as over-the-counter items.
Only organic hemp is used in the production of its full-spectrum CBD products, too. While there are only three CBD products to choose from, these are among the best in the market. The choices are 300 mg lotion, 600 mg oil, and 1,200 mg oil, all of which are full spectrum.
Dried hemp flowers are also for sale. These are available in half shares from the 2019 and 2020 harvests. Every purchase comes with a bell mason jar containing trimmed, slow-cured premium hemp, as well as moisture packets. You have the assurance that the dried hemp will have the desired levels of cannabinoids, terpenes, and trichomes.

Blue Star Health, and Wellness, LLC
325 Race Hill Road, Madison CT 06443
(203) 668-1468
Blue Star isn’t just a licensed cannabis grower! It’s also a tight-knit community where musicians, artists, and chefs, as well as cannabis enthusiasts, can thrive. Of course, it’s also a place where premium cannabis products at reasonable prices can be bought.
- Dream Time Delta 8 gummies are just as delicious to nibble on as your regular gummies but with a slight psychoactive effect.
- CBD flower bags are available in a 14-gram size, and varieties include Cherry Wine, BAoX, and Spectrum.
- CBD seed oil tincture comes in one-ounce and ½-ounce dropper bottles in 500 mg concentrations.
- Five Herb topical salve contains full-spectrum CBD extract, herbs, beeswax, and olive oil, and it’s formulated for quick relief of skin and muscle pains.
- Chocolate bars in 34 mg and 9 mg per bar content are just as satisfying as you imagine them to be.
These products are available at its licensed dispensary, too, which makes them accessible to adults who want to enjoy their therapeutic benefits.

Town Farm LLC
Town Farm Rd Ledyard, CT 06339
(860) 572-8021
Town Farm LLC made history when it was the first farm to license for growing cannabis plants. Unfortunately, this was only five days after Governor Lamont signed the law!
Dylan Williams, the owner and operator of Town Farm, doesn’t let his status as the official first hemp farmer in Connecticut get into his head either. Early on, he helped others get started and used his growing areas for hemp research. His initial plan was to plant 60,000 seeds, and he has not stopped since then.
Now that you know the basics of medical and recreational cannabis in Connecticut, it’s time to start looking into how you can also be part of it! You will find that once you’re in it, there’s no going back – in a good way, of course!