In May 2019, Google Trends showed that the United States hit its highest CBD-related point. Google received more than thrice the number of queries for CBD than it did for Beyoncé – and that’s saying something, indeed! For many years, CBD and its related products were niche products, with many adult Americans unaware of their existence, much less their benefits.
But with more public awareness comes more demand for the wide range of CBD products, from oils, tinctures, and topicals to edibles and flowers. While there’s still much more to be done to promote acceptability and legality, we believe that the CBD industry is on the right track!

And this brings us to the important question for residents of the Volunteer State: Are CBD products legal here?
The short answer: Yes, but there are strict conditions for their distribution, sale, and use.
Read on and find out more about the history and current status of hemp, marijuana, and CBD in Tennessee. We will also discuss the best ways of buying CBD products and the best hemp farms in the state.
- The History of CBD in Tennessee
- The Current CBD Laws in Tennessee
- FAQs: Buying CBD in Tennessee
- The Spotlight’s on the Prominent Hemp Farms in Tennessee
- Licensed Hemp Growers in Tennessee
The History of CBD in Tennessee
California, Colorado, and Illinois are just among the states that have legalized marijuana for medical and recreational use. But Tennessee hasn’t followed in their footsteps with marijuana use still considered illegal, regardless of the purpose.
There’s good news: The Volunteer State has legalized the use of CBD products starting in 2015. Many reforms have also happened since then, a source of hope for CBD advocates and enthusiasts.
While there are valid reasons for the state legislature’s decision to hold back on CBD legalization, such hesitancy comes as a surprise considering Tennessee’s history with marijuana. This also rings true for the rest of the United States since hemp was a legal crop in the 18th and 19th centuries. The 20th century saw the ban on industrial hemp cultivation, as outlined in the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, and line with the war on drugs.
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) believed that because industrial hemp and cannabis are of the same species, both are illegal. Take note that cannabis has a lower THC yield than industrial hemp. The result: DEA didn’t issue permits for the cultivation of legal hemp.
In Tennessee, pioneer families in the early 19th century started marijuana cultivation. During the Mexican-American War, the state legislature even petitioned the federal government to promote hemp production in the state.
The U.S. Census also showed that in 1850, Tennessean farmers produced a combined total of 595 tons of water-rotted and dew-rotted hemp. Middle Tennessee was the heart of hemp cultivation, with Bedford, Williamson, Coffee, Marshall, Jackson, Maury, and Sumner Counties being the leading producers. Indeed, such was the popularity of hemp cultivation than that hemp factories were as common as cotton gins!
Admittedly, hemp wasn’t used for its therapeutic benefits as much as it is used nowadays. Then, farmers cultivated hemp for their utilitarian uses, including rope production and bags for cotton.
Nowadays, the therapeutic benefits of hemp are more widely recognized, both by anecdotal and scientific evidence. Tennessee has also undergone several policy reforms concerning the cultivation, distribution, and use of cannabis.
Here’s a brief timeline:
An operational therapeutic research program was created by HB 314, and it was a program for using cannabis in the treatment of cancer and glaucoma. The Board of Pharmacy’s Patient Qualification Review Board administered the program and worked with the federal government in cannabis acquisition. In 1992, the program was ceased by virtue of SB 1818.
Against his initial opposition, Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam signed SB 280 into law. Cannabis oil containing less than 0.9% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is excluded from the definition of “marijuana” under applicable criminal drug laws.
For the use, including transfer, administration, and possession of cannabis oil, to be considered legal, it must be part of a clinical research study on the treatment of intractable seizures. The study itself must be under the supervision of a physician with clinical practice or affiliation with a college of medicine.
The exclusion will also only apply when these terms are met:
- The manufacturer must specify the cannabis oil bottle’s label that the CBD Oil contains less than 0.9% THC.
- The individual must have legally obtained or purchased the CBD oil within the United States.
- The individual must have evidence – and retain said evidence – of the legal recommendation or order from the issuing state.
If one of these terms isn’t met, the person in possession of CBD oil with less than 0.9% THC can be charged with a Class C misdemeanor.
Tennessee enacted SB 2125 that made further amendments to the definition of industrial hemp. Under this law, cannabis oil with less than 0.6% THC was excluded from the definition of marijuana. The exclusion also applied to the plants, seeds, and other derivatives necessary for the production of said cannabis oil.
The state legislature enacted HB 1164 that further redefined the industrial hemp law. Among its salient points are:
- The production of hemp with 0.3% THC or less was allowed;
- Tennessee’s Department of Agriculture must grant a license to the hemp grower;
- The hemp cultivated in the state isn’t considered a controlled substance if it meets either of these conditions:
- It is viable and possessed by a duly licensed hemp farmer, grower, or farm
- It is non-viable and obtained according to the rules and regulations set by the state’s Department of Agriculture
These were considered significant steps toward the easing of restrictions over hemp production, distribution, and use.
The Farm Bill further expanded the legality of industrial hemp beyond the pilot programs approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and its state counterparts. Other salient points include:
- Small-scale cultivation of industrial hemp was allowed for limited purposes;
- Transfer of hemp-derived products between states or across state lines was allowed, both for commercial and other purposes;
- Restrictions on the possession, transport, and sale of hemp-derived products were also removed provided that these were cultivated and processed according to existing laws
But it must also be emphasized that the Farm Bill doesn’t in any way result in creating a free-for-all system! There are still numerous restrictions in place, which every person or group thinking of hemp cultivation, distribution, and use must consider.
These restrictions are aplenty, but the most important for consumers who want to be on the good side of the law are:
- Hemp must contain 0.3% THC or less (Section 10113). A cannabis plant containing over 0.3% THC is considered marijuana (non-hemp cannabis) under federal law and illegal under the Farm Bill.
- Hemp cultivators must follow applicable federal and state laws, including getting a license. The Farm Bill states that every state’s departments in every state must have a hemp plant, and Tennessee isn’t an exception.
Ultimately, not every Tom, Dick, and Harry can grow industrial hemp or cannabis as freely as they can cultivate, say, basil, tomatoes, and eggplants in their gardens. Now and in the foreseeable future, hemp will be a highly regulated crop for commercial and personal production.
In 2021, more than a dozen bills about marijuana and its use in the Tennessee legislature. Many bills push for the medical uses of cannabis, while many others seek the reduction of penalties for the possession of marijuana.
These bills can only be passed into law through the legislature since the state doesn’t have a voter initiative process. But writing to your representatives can sway the tide in favor of more sweeping reforms!

The Current CBD Laws in Tennessee
For now, we recommend being informed about the current rules and regulations that apply to the purchase of cannabis products, from flowers to topical oils and tinctures and edibles.
First, a crucial differentiation between hemp and marijuana for legal purposes, which wasn’t discussed above. Both are cannabis plants (Cannabis sativa) with a somewhat similar appearance. Most people, particularly non-growers, find it difficult to differentiate the two plants by sight, smell, and touch.
The main difference between hemp and marijuana lies in their THC content. THC is one of the numerous cannabinoids, which are compounds found in cannabis that interact with receptors in the human body. These receptors are involved in various functions, including appetite, pain-sensation, anxiety, and depression.
On the one hand, hemp has 0.3% or less THC, which means that products derived from hemp have ultra-low THC levels. For example, when taken in the recommended doses, hemp-derived CBD products won’t create the “high” experience typically associated with marijuana use. The 0.3% THC threshold is the current legal limit in Tennessee, too, with a few exceptions, as discussed below.
On the other hand, marijuana contains THC higher than 0.3% and higher CBD levels than hemp. As such, its use will result in a “high” feeling with symptoms like feelings of relaxation, euphoria, and amusement. Other symptoms include increased feelings of hunger and sensitivity to light, sound, taste, and smell.
While marijuana has demonstrated therapeutic benefits in treating nausea, glaucoma, and epilepsy, federal law has severe restrictions for its medical research. The DEA classifies it as a Schedule 1 substance!
The bottom line: Hemp is a legal crop for cultivation under Tennessee’s law in general and the rules and regulations set by the state’s Department of Agriculture. Marijuana is illegal in Tennessee, so much so that its simple possession is punishable with jail time.
(Even a half-ounce or less of marijuana in your possession may result in nearly a year of incarceration and a fine of up to $2,500. If you grow ten marijuana plants or less, you may spend between one and six years in prison aside from penalties.)
Currently, Tennessee adopts the Farm Bill provisions in terms of the percentage of THC in hemp-derived products. This means only CBD products with 0.3% or less THC can be sold and used legally. For example, if you’re buying CBD oil, be sure to check that it contains 0.3% or less THC, as stated on the bottle.
But there’s an exception to the 0.3% or less THC rule! Tennessee allows the possession and use of CBD oil containing up to 0.9% THC for these cohorts: (0.9% THC is three times the federal limit)
- Patients enrolled in clinical studies being conducted by universities;
- Patients with a legal recommendation or order; or
- Patients who have been diagnosed with epilepsy by a licensed doctor in Tennessee
In all these cases, a special diagnosis and recommendation from a Tennessee doctor is a must! Again, this only applies to CBD oil with a THC content higher than 0.3%.
We also want to point out that there may be changes in the horizon if Governor Bill Lee signs a bill that expands the number of qvhe bill was sent to Governor Lee’s office on May 5, 2021, and reports have it that he will sign it into law.
Aside from intractable epilepsy, the bill will include epilepsy or seizures, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel syndrome, ALS, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, sickle cell disease, etc. HIV/AIDS.
Patients should get a recommendation letter from a licensed doctor with an attestation that:
- The patient has one of these conditions listed (the specific condition must be put into writing); and
- The patient has undergone conventional methods of treatment.
The letter of recommendation must be supplemented by proof of the condition, and it’s only valid for six months at a time.
But even if the said bill becomes law, eligible Tennesseans currently have no means of making lawful purchases of cannabis within the state! You would either have to obtain it illegally – and we strongly discourage it – or you can buy from out-of-state sellers.
In effect, Tennesseans with the abovementioned medical conditions are provided with legal protections that they can’t otherwise have under existing laws. If you buy CBD oil with 0.9% THC content from out-of-state, you must provide valid proof to avoid prosecution for its possession. Again, these scenarios are still theoretical because Governor Lee has yet to sign the bill!
This brings us to the next question: How exactly do manufacturers determine the THC concentration? How can you, an ordinary consumer, determine THC concentration? You will want to know these things if only to ensure that you’re buying CBD oils and other products within the current legal 0.3% THC threshold.
For manufacturers, the most common method used is High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Samples are collected from a cannabis flower and combined with a solvent, usually ethanol. The flower-solvent mixture is pumped through a tube under high pressure that, in turn, allows for characterization of the compounds in it.
THC and CBD, which are types of cannabinoids, travel at different speeds and be detected at different times. The THC content can then be determined from this process.
For consumers, test strips can be bought and used for testing oils, edibles, and other hemp-derived products, among the best-come kits to analyze a cannabis sample for a wide range of cannabinoids. These detect the presence of cannabinoids, including THC and CBD, and provide their specific content.
But there’s little to no need for these test strips if and when you buy CBD products from reputable farmers and retailers! You will find plenty of shops selling CBD products in Tennessee’s larger cities, including Nashville, the state capital, and Memphis. You can also find state-licensed hemp farmers who sell flowers and CBD oils, among other products, legally.
You may also buy these products legally from online sites, and it has numerous benefits, too. You will be able to request third-party lab results, check for product quality, and browse the products before making a purchase. Your time will be well spent researching companies selling CBD products, too, instead of visiting several brick-and-mortar stores.
Be warned, however, that websites with claims about CBD being medicine are dubious, at best. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned companies that making unproven therapeutic claims about CBD isn’t legal. Look for CBD sellers that explicitly clarify that CBD isn’t a type of medicine for added measure.
FAQs: Buying CBD in Tennessee
Even with hemp-derived products being legal in Tennessee, there are still questions running through your head. Here are a few questions and answers that we think will make it easier for you when you buy CBD products.
1.) Is a prescription necessary?
No, a prescription isn’t necessary to buy CBD products, but these products contain 0.3% or less THC. This is in keeping with the 2018 Farm Bill, as described above.
You must also be at least 21 years old before you can legally buy CBD products. Vendors have the right to ask for proof of identification. In the case of a minor using any legal CBD product, his/her parent or legal guardian can purchase it on their behalf, but restrictions may apply. Be sure to ask your child’s pediatrician about its proper use.
2.) What conditions allow for over-the-counter purchase?
There are no regulations regarding the medical conditions and symptoms for which legal CBD products can be used. You don’t have to suffer from a specific medical condition or experience specific symptoms to enjoy their therapeutic effects!
CBD products are used as adjunct treatments for a wide range of health conditions, including but not limited to:
- Chronic pain
- Chronic inflammation
- Insomnia
- Anxiety and depression
- Epilepsy
- Cancer treatment-related symptoms like nausea and vomiting
- Acne and other skin issues
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
If possible, consult with your doctor about the possible risks and side effects of CDB use, particularly if you have an underlying medical condition. But it should also be emphasized that CBD products are safe to use when taken according to recommended dosages.
3.) When is a prescription necessary?
You will only require a doctor’s prescription if you buy and use CDB products with THC concentrations higher than 0.3%, the state and the federal legal limit. (Refer to the abovementioned exception)
4.) Is smoking or vaping CBD legal?
Yes, smoking CBD rolls and vaping CBD vapes are legal, but these should contain 0.3% or less THC. But we suggest avoiding vape pens of CBD that contain propylene glycol, a solvent. When it’s burned at high temperatures, it can turn into formaldehyde, increasing the risk of asthma and cancer.
Tip: Look for CBD vape pens with “solvent-free oils” on their labels.
5.) What are the things to remember when buying CBD products?
First, you must determine your reasons for using CDB products and what form you will be taking. This is because each form of CBD product has its pros and cons in terms of availability, delivery method, and efficacy.
If you are looking for ultra-quick relief from anxiety or muscle cramps, for example, you may want to consider inhaling CBD. If you can wait for 10-15 minutes, your best bets are oils or tinctures administered under your tongue; sublingual dosage also tends to have a longer effect.
Lotions and other topical products are the safest because their ingredients aren’t completely absorbed into your body. But their effects vary from person to person – you may feel their effects immediately or after a few hours. As for CBD edibles, it can take about 30 minutes, perhaps more, before your body can absorb these.
Second, ask about the origin of the hemp used for the products. There are thousands of hemp farms in Tennessee that sell flowers and other hemp-derived products online and in retail stores.
We suggest getting your CBD products from Tennessee farms and retailers instead of overseas companies. Buying from overseas companies can be problematic because their cultivation and production processes aren’t subject to federal and state laws.
Third, ask for third-party test results on the products. The manufacturer must provide the certificate of analysis (COA), a document that shows the test results for CBD and THC levels and the presence of contaminants.
The most reputable sellers typically provide COA information on their websites, so check them out before buying. Many even use QR codes to make it easier for consumers to access the information on their smartphones.
Fourth, look for CBD products that have detailed information on CBD and THC amounts. Their amounts should be the same as those stated in the COA.
Caution: Products with only the total amount of total cannabinoids listed on their labels should be viewed with suspicion. The cannabinoids may not only include CBD and THC but other related compounds.
Fifth, make it a habit to read the product labels. These should contain the following information:
- Amount of active CBD per serving
- List of ingredients
- Net weight
- Manufacturer or distributor name
- Suggested use
- Type (Full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, or isolate)
- Batch number or code
When in doubt, ask the manufacturer or retailer about these matters. You will find that it’s always best to make informed decisions when it comes to CBD products in any form!
You must not assume, too, that just because you are familiar with Product A that its dosage and use will apply to Product B. Always read the product description, including its recommended dosage, and use it when it’s your first time to use it.
6.) Which is better: CBD flowers or CBD oils?
This is an important distinction since most, if not all, of the featured hemp farms here sell both products, but these have their distinct merits. You must consider their differences before making your choice, and their notable differences include:
- Form
CBD flowers or buds are cultivated and changed so that they contain low levels of THC. These are intended for therapeutic uses without the psychoactive effects of marijuana. While they are nearly identical to marijuana flowers, they are full of flavonoids, terpenes, and CBD.
CBD oils are marijuana extracts, but these contain low THC levels, if not 100% free of THC. This is because their extraction process extracts only the cannabidiol.
- Delivery and efficacy
CBD flowers are best used through vaping and, thus, they have a quick and intense effect. You may be able to feel its effects in 10 minutes or so, and its intensity comes from the fact that the lungs quickly absorb the substance.
CBD buds also have the so-called entourage effect due to the presence of other cannabinoids. But don’t worry since they don’t have psychoactive effects, but these cannabinoids work so well together.
But CBD flowers can be tricky to use, particularly for first-time users. You must start slow, adopt a trial-and-error approach, and find the right dosage in your case. Every flower has its unique CBD-to-THC ratio, so even flowers of the same breed will have different proportions.
With CBD oil, it’s so much easier for many reasons. You will see the main ingredients are listed, so you know what you’re getting with each drop. You also benefit from CBD and THC levels, recommended dosage, and instructions, so measuring your dosage is easier and safer.
Ultimately, both CBD flowers and oils are safe products to use among the general populace. But it also pays to do your research and consult with your doctor.

The Spotlight’s on the Prominent Hemp Farms in Tennessee
In 2020, there were 1,800 licensed hemp growers in the state. This is a huge leap from the 44 licensed growers in 2015, which grew to 64 growers in 2016 and nearly double (117) in 2017. Their farms cover as much as 16,000 acres across the state, and their numbers are growing, too!
Did you know that the state’s Department of Agriculture accepts applications for legal hemp cultivation year-round? But permits must be renewed every year, too, since these expire on June 30 every year.
The Department has strict rules about hemp cultivation, including the required testing of hemp crops for their HTC levels. Under the 2021 hemp plan, every growing area will undergo testing for THC within 15 days of harvest; the prior plans specified for a 30day window. Hemp plants with more than 0.3% THC are subjected to a destruction order.
Licensed Hemp Growers in Tennessee
Of the licensed hemp growers in Tennessee, we identified these growers as among the more accessible.
1006 Gallatin Ave., Nashville, TN 37206
(615) 835-3474
As the first company awarded a license by the state and among the first to bring CBD products, LabCanna is a trusted company that offers exceptional CBD products. Marketed under the TenneCBD brand, the products come in beautiful packaging with informative content and highly effective. These products also come with COAs from an Oklahoma-based third-party lab, and these results are posted online and updated regularly.
In line with its advocacy program, LabCanna also provides an extensive collection of informative resources for a wide range of users. Many of the reading materials are suitable for budding aficionados, while others are geared toward researchers and scientists.
Indeed, LabCanna had come a long way from its January 2016 roots when it participated as a small farm in Tennessee’s Industrial Hemp Research Program! Nowadays, it has several retail locations and growth facilities and customers from across the country and even abroad.

Half Hill Farm
Woodbury, Tennessee
(615) 469-7778
Half Hill Farm may be a small seven-acre farm, but it’s among the more popular USDA Certified Organic hemp farms in the state. With a manufacturing kitchen, it makes many CBD products that are sold in its three retail stores. Plus, it’s an industrial hemp processor with a long-running state license.
Among its bestsellers is full-spectrum extract CBD oil used for a wide range of treatments. These CBD oils are manufactured using CO2 extraction processes and contain less than 0.3% THC. These are available in 500mg, 1000mg, and 2500mg formula and a 1000mg full spectrum extract topical salve.

Haygood Farms
164 W. 31st Street, Chattanooga, TN 37410
(855) 285-5662
Founded in 2017, Haygood Farms is the brainchild of brothers and friends whose lives were changed by hemp-based products, health-wise. Today, it seeks to provide its customers with good, clean fun through several CBD products.
The company cultivates high-quality, organic hemp on its Sequatchie Valley farm. Every hemp plant is cultivated according to organic, sustainable farming practices with an emphasis on strong genetics. These plants are also tested to contain no more than 0.3% THC, and their resulting products have corresponding labels and content.
Aside from flowers and smokables, Haygood Farms also sells topicals, capsules, and tinctures.

Bluebird Meadows Farm
Murfreesboro, TN 37128
(615) 994-1110
Established in 2018, Bluebird Meadows Farm is a family-owned business that produces organic hemp and manufactures full-spectrum CBD hemp flowers and other products. It takes pride in the personal curation and manual trimming of its hemp flowers, contributing to their excellent quality.
Every product has no fillers, additives, and other undesirable ingredients. The hemp plant is grown on its farm, and its all-natural carrier oils and other ingredients are used! All products also come with QR codes that contain detailed information on third-party lab testing.

Hemp Springs Farm
Beechgrove, TN 37018
(615) 295-8588
With a 57-acre farm in Middle Tennessee, Hemp Springs Farm supplies outstanding CBD products to Tennesseans. According to the company, the spring water that makes Tennessee whiskey special is also the same spring water that nourishes the hemp grown on its farm. We’re inclined to believe it as there’s a premium look and feel to its products, aside from their high efficacy.
Hemp Springs Farm also cultivates a limited amount of hemp, which is intended to ensure that its hemp products are of the highest quality possible. There’s a premium placed on a “farm-to-table” experience when using their hemp-derived products.

Next Generation Farms
803 Joy Ln, Chattanooga, TN 37421
(423) 401-8890
The indoor operations of Next Generation Farms may be small for now, but its limited cultivation is also part of the reason for its success. Only a few boutique flower strains are cultivated – and in small batches, too – but strict quality control measures can be observed. While it focuses on smokable products, it also offers great CBD tinctures, topicals, and edibles.
Perhaps the best thing about the farm is that it regularly changes its lineup of flower strains! The lineup changes every five weeks, and it’s always exciting! Their products are sold in about 30 locations across Tennessee, too. This company does not have a website.

Lucky Leaf Hemp Farms LLC
799 Valleybrook Dr., Memphis, TN 38120
(901) 562-1204
Lucky Leaf Hemp Farms started in 2016, and it has become a notable player in the CBD industry. Among its products are full-spectrum CBD products, isolates, and distillates, which are suitable for anxiety, PTSD, and muscle cramps.

Mountain Hemp Farms
1092 Winningham Rd, Byrdstown, Tennessee 38549
(931) 397-9488
Mountain Hemp Farms have a passion for the hemp plant that manifests in the exceptional quality of their CBD products. These products are available on a wholesale and retail basis, too. Their hemp plants are handled with care and cultivated to their fullest potential, from their seed stage to their final cured phase as a CBD flower.
Tours in its farm and related facilities are available by appointment, too. This is a great way to learn more about hemp cultivation and production if you’re interested in becoming a licensed hemp grower.

THS Farm
1842 Latimer Lane, Hendersonville, TN
(615) 988-4850
THS Farm is a family-owned business that provides products and services related to hemp. Aside from its quality hemp products, it also offers planting, harvesting, processing services, and consultancy services. The products include edibles, topicals, tinctures, and smokables.

7 Point Farm and Apothecary LLC
10425 Lebanon Rd, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122
(615) 288-3395
Started in 2017, 7 Point takes pride in its status as a fully integrated CBD and hemp store. Its hemp farm produces 100% organic hemp, and it offers Felina 32 and Futura 75 strains (sold per ounce). It also offers CBD-producing clones to licensed hemp farmers and offers their skills in training them.
Tours by appointment are also available.

Greene Hemp Co.
615 East Andrew Johnson Hwy Suite 1, Greeneville, TN 37745
(423) 972-0319
Yet another notable hemp farm is Greene Hemp Co., which assures its customers that all its products contain less than 0.3% THC. Enthusiasts looking for the best indoor and outdoor hemp flowers will find the company as a great source. Other products include salves, tinctures, gummies, handmade soaps, and bath bombs. Talk about covering every base!

Frogeye Hemp
PO Box 691 Louisville, TN 37777
(615) 696-9350
Frogeye Hemp products are made from organic hemp cultivated on local family farms. Every hemp plant is grown, harvested, and trimmed by hand to maintain its quality. The flowers are then stored under optimal conditions to ensure the best possible curing results.
Third-party testing is also conducted on all products to ensure that these contain 0.3% or less THC.

3874 Hixson Pike, Chattanooga, TN 37415
(423) 250-3268
FarmToMed has established partnerships with local farmers to cultivate hemp on its farm to create clean, quality, and safe CBD products. Only the best hemp flowers are used in the production of its pure, full-spectrum CBD hemp extracts that, in turn, will be transformed into its popular CBD oils.
Aside from the CBD oils, it also makes and sells tinctures, creams, and honey in its Chattanooga commercial kitchen.

Happy Hemp Farmacy
Chattanooga, TN 37410
(423) 443-8999
There’s no physical retail location where customers can buy Happy Hemp Farmacy products. But its online site is more than enough for your CBD needs! The company prides itself on premium handcrafted CBD products made from small hemp farms cultivated on its farm. We highly recommend the CBD-rich smokable flower for its effective relaxing effect.

Zelle Farms
6804 S York Hwy, Clarkrange, TN 38553
(518) 399-4188
Zelle Farms is among the few companies that have a 100% seed-to-sell operation. The company has a lineup of carefully selected local farmers with a proven track record for producing the best hemp crops in the state. Then, the hemp crops are then processed in its processing and research center, where state-of-the-art equipment is used.
Only small batches are made to ensure 100% high quality with less than 0.1% variance.
In conclusion, the production, distribution, and use of hemp and hemp-related products in Tennessee are considered legal activities but with restrictions. There’s still a long way to go before the Volunteer State becomes a mecca for the medicinal use of cannabis, but it’s slowly but surely taking the steps in that direction.
For now, let’s look at the opportunities we have and grab them!